April 28, 2019
Becci Himes is the Mother of daughter whom she homeschooled as a Christian, who is now married to a pastor. 2 Grandchildren. Expert pianist and singer. Brought her daughter up as a single mother as many do today.

April 28, 2019
Becci had her stroke Dec 19 2017. We were living in Meadows Place at the time. We sold our house to move into Harris County to take advantage of County Health District services because we did not have health insurance. We bet everything on getting Becci well again.
Our Journey in the Last 460 Days
Becci had a stroke Dec 19 2017.
She was asymptomatic.
No clue it would happen but also no chance of potentially finding out because she did not like going to the doctors.
If she had insurance would she have gone? I think so. Everyone should have a regular check up.
It is now May 2019.
The road to this point has been full of unbelieveable tales.
About Becci
Becci has had a traumatic year.
Stroke plus so many complications.
Kicked to the curb by British American Business Council who she served loyally for 15 yrs with no insurance.
Dumped into the back of a pick up truck on New Years Eve 2017/18 just 10 days post stroke by nurses at St Lukes because she could not afford the cost of ambulance home.
Kicked out of rehab programs.

Becci's Stories
Evicted from hovel Hotel
Homeless on the Road
Bailiffs Any Day Now… We Need Help
Becci needs your help
Could you please help Becci? Any amount is appreciated. If you would like to donate where there are the least fees please send your donations via Paypal. Thanks for any support that you and your family can contribute.
We are also accepting donations via Go Fund Me