January 2019
Becci has had a traumatic year.
Stroke plus so many complications.
Kicked to the curb by British American Business Council who she served loyally for 15 yrs with no insurance.
Dumped into the back of a pick up truck on New Years Eve 2017/18 just 10 days post stroke by nurses at St Lukes because she could not afford the cost of ambulance home.
Kicked out of rehab programs.
Refused entry at a personal care home because she was too much trouble. The daughter and pastor husband proudly wrote they would dump her in to a home if she stayed with them and was too much trouble.
For all her volunteer work with Heather and Thistle society, Houston Highland games and numerous rugby associations so few even bothered to visit her during the year.
The final nail is a wealthy powerful lawyer who wants to evict her for daring to tell him his 87 yr old mum is suicidal and not taking RX meds because she cannot afford.
Becci needs to move again. The last move cost the best part of $10,000 because neither she nor Pete are fit enough to do any of the work. This is an expense she was not expecting. Please see this blog for more details.
From underpaid director of a company proudly proclaiming to be British to kicked to the curb and all mention of her and her achievements wiped from the history.
From working with, and supporting some of the top CEOs in Houston to homeless.
She worked with and helped five different UK Consul Generals and garnered accolades such as “Becci IS the face of the BABC”
If anyone will loan rather than donate please see the blog.
We are close to finding time to start a business again. So paying back is possible over an extended period.
This last year has been solely focused on getting Becci well and walking again. It takes a village and there was only 2 of us with no help from sisters and daughter.
Becci needs your help
Could you please help Becci? Any amount is appreciated. If you would like to donate where there are the least fees please send your donations via Paypal. Thanks for any support that you and your family can contribute.
We are also accepting donations via Go Fund Me