To: Pastors Reagan Waggoner, Rachel Conner
A mother of one of your parishioners desperately needs your help.
My name is Peter Evans. I am significant other and now husband of 18 yrs and caregiver to Thelma (aka Becci) Himes.
Becci is mother to Kathryn Eggenberger.
Grandmother to Luka and Levi
Mother in law to Brian Eggenberger
Becci had a bad stroke with many subsequent complications in Dec 2017 whilst looking after one of her grandchildren.
Becci was not found for 5 hours.
I would normally be right next to her but on this day was in hospital having my defibrillator changed so was not able to save her as she did me when I had mine.
Since that date daughter Kate only helped in the first 5 months when shamed or pushed.
The son in law not at all.
The in laws and their family also nothing at all.
I was brought up to believe everyone rallys round when someone falls with so many health issues, because it takes a village
Becci is maximum assist.
She cannot walk.
Her left side is paralyzed which causes more than just lack of limb movement.
The internal organs have various degrees of issues.
She is doing well and I am confident with extensive rehab we can get her walking with the aid of a rollator sometime during the next year.
Her mind is brilliant and is actually doing better than mine after I had my stroke in 2012.
I write you because I need your help in convincing Kate and Brian that Becci is deserving of their help.
I am not a fan of Christians as so many are just plain hypocrites.
And Brian is one of the biggest in my book.
Becci on the other hand is very much a believer and home-schooled Kate to be the same.
You see this yourself every time you make contact with Kate.
For the first few months Kate tried to help, but it soon became obvious she was not prepared to change her lifestyle to accommodate the needs of her mum.
I really have no idea. Maybe you can help here?
Maybe there is some wisdom you can impart which will make them see the error of their ways.
I need you to understand the enormity of the problem.
In the last 10 months Kate has not seen her mum at all.
Becci has not seen her grandkids in that time either.
Kate rarely calls.
Kate has absolutely no idea what her mum does every day.
She takes no interest in how mum is progressing or what regimen she is on.
I tried to get Kate and Brian to take Becci over the Christmas period so she could enjoy the company of her grandchildren etc.
I had a nasty email basically saying if B was too much trouble they would put her in a home.
B will take up much time and resources for as long as she is maximum assist.
I believe in treating everyone with respect and ensure they keep their dignity.. In Beccis case this minimum translates into always being close to put her on the toilet so she does not have suffer the indignity of having to go in her diaper. She gets regular exercise and is always the center of attention whenever she wants it.
We belong to a stroke survivors group and Becci recently reached out and complained that not only her daughter, but her mum and sisters, want to put her in a home.
The group was shocked.
Everyone said she should not have to go if she does not want to and that this is not a good idea.
I agree. It is the responsibility of all those who love her to respect her wishes and be a resource.
I want to further explain just how nasty your parishioners have been.
I have spent the last 500 days taking care of B. I have asked for help on numerous occasions just to relieve me and look after B as I really need to try to set up some means of producing an income.
My health no longer allows me to go back to my old trade.
They have never helped.
Each time we have had to move they would not help. Neither of us can do any physical work so we had to pay. The costs have been huge.
I ask them for help paying for some therapy for B. Nothing.
Or to help fix the old 1995 handicap van so B can not only travel to doctor appointments but also do it in air conditioned comfort. Nothing.
I have had to miss some appts.
B is not so strong she can endure so much heat.
Fitter people than B can succumb to heatstroke.
I ask for money when B had toothache and we needed $500 for a root canal. No help.
I ask for money to help pay for RX’s
Currently I do not know where I will find the money for her blood thinners. No response as usual when I ask for help.
I ask nothing for myself.
With all these unexpected expenses every month and no help we are at the end of the road.
B and I will lose everything that is in storage.
B will lose a lifetime of memories.
They have a large garage which could easily have accommodated the belongings.
We have been homeless since March 20 through no fault of ours.
Beccis story is being written here
We live 3-4 days in my cargo trailer and when we have money we buy a cheap hotel room to regroup, shower and enjoy air conditioning.
With heat index regularly over 100 degrees and only getting worse we are struggling to say the least.
B recently had a defibrillator implanted.
We must leave this tiny room Friday. We have asked Kate and Brian for help so I can keep Becci off the street. Pay for another week. Not interested.
Expenses with all the repairs needed to this handicap van and trailer means we are short of money with some 3 weeks still to go before B receives another $1300. Sadly we may have to stop medicare because we will be out of money.
Who does this to another human being?
I would not treat a dog in such a manner.
I fail to see how this has anything to do with Christian or non Christian.
What Kate and Brian have done or rather not done has been morally reprehensible.
Yet when I tell them I must now speak to you they have not been in the least concerned.
I am to believe they think you will neither see their actions as sinful nor worth censuring.
I am no expert on the beliefs of various sects of Christianity but your Bible verse on the front page of your website makes no mention of service to others but alludes to some form of the prosperity doctrine.
Maybe Kate and Brian get their heartlessness from your own teachings?
You may reach me on 2817018449 for concerns or questions.
I am not asking you for anything more than you give counsel to a couple who I believe have lost their way as humans.