Letter to Greek Orthodox Cathedral

Good folk of Annunciation Greek Orthodox Cathedral,

By now most of you will have been told there was a small protest outside your church last Sunday.

I was surprised so many parishioners stopped and took so many photographs.

Not one had the courtesy to say anything, not even “good morning”

The officers who patrolled were constantly being engaged in conversation to no doubt attempt to move us on.

I do not expect you to care why we wish to avail ourselves of the right to freely assemble and speak.

It is our last resort.

We are both old with numerous bad medical conditions and we do not undertake this lightly.

We would hope you might have a word in your parishioner John Zavitsanos ear.

I have started to write the stories of all those who have been so nasty.

I haven’t had a chance to fill in the Zavitsanos entry because my days are taken up with round the clock care of my wife who had a stroke and is partially paralysed.

But I start to talk about John here


By the start of protest this weekend I will have the story written to the site.

We just wish John Zavitsanos would give us back our deposit money as the judge demanded. He won’t, because he is a nasty human being who looks on life as winning or losing.

His mother likes to regale us with stories of how John pays $62K per year in property taxes alone. I had to explain to her that this is more than 70% of Americans earn a year.

We are asking for a fraction of what John has cost us and what he pays in just taxes on one home.

We can then move on and use the money to get out of the heat and the streets, and find another house to rent.

Once the media start asking questions the whole concept of rewarding those rich people who donate time and money with special titles will come to the forefront.

I am no fan of this bastardized form of religion.

Jesus gave his life to stop this system of cronyism and corruption.

Those people who spend every day in your kitchens preparing food for the poor deserve special titles more than a disgraceful sociopath such as John Zavitsanos.

This is a debate for another day.

The longer we sit outside the cathedral with our banners the more likely the press will want to know why.

I urge you to have a word with your Archon.

It is 2.30am and I must now attend to my wife who is crying again.

Regards Pete