How could a child be so wicked?

Written about an event which occurred May 2018.

This was a particularly nasty story.

Becci is paralyzed on the left side.

The external limbs are obvious.

What one forgets is the internal organs also have the same issues.

So pooping becomes an issue.

The poop travels slowly through the system because of the paralysis.

Where water is taken from the poop to be recycled into blood stream the poop gets very hard and causes a blockage.

At the time we had not managed to get this system working right.

After 5 days with no bowel movement everything was quite compacted.

Becci was in so much pain trying to get it out.

I called Kate to come over and hold her mums hand.

She was in Dallas at a wedding and would not be back until the next day.

I asked her to come over when she got back if mum was still in pain.

She said she couldn’t because she was leading some sort of prayer sermon at church.

I told her Jesus would understand if she put mum first.

Mum was still in pain and Kate did not come round.

I don’t know how Kate can say she is understanding of anything Jesus talked about.