Lack of Family Help Hurts Becci Most

I think what hurts B the most is the lack of support from her family which comprises 2 sisters not residing in Houston and a daughter married to a so-called ‘pastor’ in Sugarland.

It was evident from the start that the daughter did not want to change her lifestyle to incorporate her mum’s needs.

Since going public about the lack of family help, I have had many private messages from heartbroken parents in a similar situation. Their kids do not help or visit, and they blame themselves by asking what they did wrong. They refuse to believe their kids could be self centered, uncaring and lacking any moral compass. Becci’s daughter and husband actually wrote us saying if they had to accept B into their home and she became a burden they would stick her in a home. Becci is trapped in a body that will not function. She needs help every hour, all the time. Never a burden when you love someone. But a privilege to help.