Becci was friend and confidant to so many.
These are the main people who kicked her to the curb with no thought of what may happen to her.
BABC British American Business Council
I am a Brit I am ashamed it was 2 Brits who did the damage and another who just could not be bothered to help.
Becci had worked loyally for 15 yrs and took a failing organization to oe with half a million inthe bank.
Becci did everything. She was a one person business dynamo mastering everything from social functions, PR to website design through accounting.
When she had a stroke this man was volunteer president of her board
Derek Blackwood
He and another single handedly convinced the board to not let Becci back to work. They would not give Becci time to recover. They ripped up her contract because they could.
This man has a Queen’s award to Industry so it is an even bigger disgrace that he did not lead by example.
He is a Scot. Which is ironic because Becci promoted everything Scottish through her volunteer work at Houston Highland Games and Heather and Thistle Society.
Had Becci been a man they would have held her job and given her time to recover.
They were not prepared to help so Becci demanded to be allowed to go back to work immediately. She told them if she did not work she would lose her house. This nasty human being suspended and replaced her. Becci did lose her home and is homeless today.

Kevin Howard
An Englishman who also got a Queens award for charitable work if I remember.
I believe he used his contacts to get an award.
He was upper management at Royal Bank of Scotland. Hardly worthy of any award since the bank took some $70 bn in loans and will not pay it back. Plus it is mired in scandal for foreclosing on small businesses when they should have been helping.
A disgraceful company.
It is more likely he got the award through his wife’s efforts with the British American Foundation of Texas.
A charity and social gala which Becci thought of and organized initially before handing it off the Kevin Howard’s wife, Susan. Kevin was president of the board at the time.

It never raised a fortune like many galas do. But it did send some dozen Americans for a 10 day visit to UK every year.
To get an award for something so minimal is an insult to all the thousands of good British people who toil every day of every year helping the poor. They do not have any contacts from university in British Govt to get them special awards.
He lives in a $3million home.

He did not have to be so ungenerous and unkind. He could have helped Becci. Heck they had underpaid her for 15 yrs. She basically earned that of a good secretary.
Yet she had to have all the skills of a one person business ownewr.
The Australian Chamber paid their person 2.5 times Beccis remuneration and they are not so big.
Maybe they could have put Becci on Obama health insurance and have BABC pay the premiums.They never gave her health insurance in all that time.
Or give her a paid sabbatical.
And maybe a fundraiser to buy a handicap van.
They did none of these and that is a disgrace.
The rich and privileged once again not giving a damn about anyone but themselves.
The rest of the board are not without fault. They could have spoken up and/or resigned in protest.
They did not and I will be writing to some of their employers to ascertain their policy for treating others so poorly.
I have so many emails communicating with the board during this whole process. They did not care.
Another person lacking in character is
Karen Bell Consul General and representative of British Govt

Karen was volunteer Director on the board.

As soon as Becci went down Karen wrote an email to the board telling them they need to do something to help Becci.
This woman knew right from wrong.
In the end she did not care enough to follow through.
Every time we are at the Consul General’s home for a function I had to listen to her mousey husband complain of his ailments and how it took time to get requisition for health services in USA from British Govt.
Whine whine when Becci had NO insurance at all.
I have yet to find time to write to Foreign Office and ascertain government policy of kicking Americans to the curb whilst a guest in this country. AND representing the wonderful empathetic compassionate people of UK.
In my opinion Karen should have resigned from the board.
The she should have told them the British government cannot be a party to such terrible acts against Americans. Particularly those who have been so valuable to Her Majesty’s Government.
Becci had all the contacts for the UK Trade and Investment division to use to aid marketing.
She shared these contacts and introduced prospects and UK profited.
One Consul General said “Becci was the face of the BABC”
To cap it all, this was a women not helping another woman.

Three prominent and privileged Brits who could and should have been generous, compassionate and leaders who did the right thing for a loyal employee and friend.
Had they taken a different path Becci would not be in the position she is today.
For too long foreign companies and governments have taken advantage of America and its people.
I am a Brit and I constantly hear these arrogant people complain about Americans and how the Brits are so much better.
There were a few medical professionals who kicked Becci out of the hospital too early and as I found out later broke the law.
I will work on these stories over the next few months.
John Zavitsanos. Lawyer and Archon in Greek Orthodox church.

This man is the son of our 84 yr old landlady. (Mrs Z)
We moved to Harris County to avail ourselves of a better health system than Fort Bend County.
We fixed so many electrical problems at our rental.
I found the contractors, oversaw the work and paid them and Mrs Z took money off rent.
Mrs Z is a lovely lady.
We have no problem with her. To this date she does not understand the issues as to why we were evicted.
Over many months we became friends and visited her for coffee at least 3 times a week. She was lonely and wanted someone to talk to.
She made food for Becci.
Mrs Z was always stressed and in pain.
On one occasion I attempted to give her the receipts for work she had agreed on.
She had forgotten about this work and started shouting. I did not press it but told Mrs Z son, John, that I would like him to pay.
He is part owner of the home and a very wealthy lawyer..
The bill/receipts were only $2000
I naturally presumed he would be grateful I had taken so much of the responsibility and work off his mum’s shoulders.
I also told him of everything his mum had told me in confidence.
I didn’t think I was doing anything wrong because the issues were serious.
Please read the whole story.
Anyway, the son told his mother of everything I had written.
She freaked out.
From there, the communications with the son became nasty and he told us to get out on Oct 24
We explained we could not afford another move.
The move to this house cost the best part of $10,000 including deposit money.
He did not care.
I sold a handicap van at discount to try to raise money.
This was the van we were going to use to visit Beccis 90 yr old parents in N Carolina.
Now we could not.
Anyway we tried to defend. We lost in Magistrates court as the Legal Aid people said we would.
We appealed to County.
This lawyer abused his power by requiring me to attend a 5 hr deposition which took me away from looking after Becci.
He was only giving one of his ‘baby’ lawyers (aka associate) experience in taking a deposition.
Naturally we lost in County as we had no representation and they had a team against us.
The judge saw through their claims but had to award the home back because Texas is a Landlord friendly state. The judge did not grant them attorneys fees as the magistrates court had and told them to return our deposit money.
He did not return so we had no money for deposit for another home.
We live in our cargo trailer.
He has told he will not and that we should sue him.
He knows we cannot as it costs money and we would be up against the might of his law firm AZA Law.
This man has been given the title of Archon in the Greek Orthodox Church.
It is basically the old ‘pay for play’ system the rich take advantage of.
He gets this special award because he has donated money or services.
He is supposed to set an example of following in Christ’s footsteps.
He doesn’t. He is a hypocrite.
Just another example of the rich abusing the system.
We have only managed to protest outside his church on one occasion so far.
And that was the wrong day so no one showed. Long story.
We will be more regular. Hopefully we can shame him in front of his fellow parishioners into returning our deposit money.
The deepest hurt comes from Becci’s daughter Kate.

So hard for mum to believe and register. Becci cries alot.
Ever since Becci had her stroke this woman has not wanted to change her lifestyle to accommodate her mum’s needs.

There is so much to this story.
The final straw was just recently when I had to ask her and pastor husband for help because we had run out of money due to so many mechanical costs with the old handicap van. I sent the requests via text and email.
I explained we needed to pay for
- Xarelto (blood thinner) prescription. Without these there is a greater likelihood of another stroke
- Storage of all our furniture etc. Beccis life is all here. She does not want to lose everything.
- I wanted them to pay for another week at this motel so Becci can stay out of the 100 degree heat.
These are things that can kill her mum if we cannot find the money.
The daughter called the police and accused me of harassment.
At no point has the daughter ever told me not to communicate with her or that she was not interested in what her mum needed.
I have the Fort Bend Sheriff’s name and badge number and will find out if this person is a friend of Kate’s from her church. I think she has gone too far.
Becci has been in denial for so long that her daughter and her pastor husband could have such a black heart.
But she was right next to me and heard every word.
Obviously Becci is in shock and I have my work cut out trying to keep her spirits up.
Read the full story.
It is hard to believe that one person has had so much adversity and nasty human beings in her life since her stroke some 500 days ago.
There is so much more.
I honestly believe this adversity has occurred for a reason.
I believe we have a duty to expose the nasty ways we humans treat each other.
By naming and shaming I not only hope to draw attention to each of the people but more importantly cause those who read this to maybe act with generosity and compassion when faced with similar circumstances.
There but for the Grace of God go I”