a plonker” basically means a silly or stupid person.
I’m 60 yrs of age and I’m still naive.
I thought this would be easy and everyone would want to help.
After all, surely its bad policy and inhuman, to treat a 65 yr old paralyzed woman in this fashion?
All this time I am just looking for an apology and my money back for the way we were treated at Hometowne Studios here in Houston.
I had presumed the so-called regional manager was being too aggressive and rude because he had a nasty personality, and I wanted him to be sanctioned by his company.
I had alluded to maybe this employee had done this before.
I had also reasoned that maybe he was taught to treat people in this fashion.
I looked all over to find people who would listen within the company.
I contacted a few people in higher echelons of Red Roof Inn in Ohio via Linkedin.
None had the courtesy to respond.
I researched Red Roof Inns and found it was part of a larger conglomerate of famous hospitality brands run by Westmont Hospitality Group and the Mangalji family.
I attempted to get the attention of a ‘CEO” in Florida that the Westmont Group here in Houston told me to contact.
I was getting the runaround by a woman at that office.
So, I wrote a letter to Moez Mangalji, the principle at Westmont Group, and delivered it personally to his $10 million home in Memorial area here in Houston TX.
That letter is here.
A week later and I have heard nothing.
I am surprised.
I thought I should hear back because Mangalji is a Muslim and the letter was delivered during Ramadan.
Ramadan teaches Muslims how to better practice self-discipline, self-control, sacrifice, and empathy for those who are less fortunate; thus encouraging actions of generosity.
I figured the man had to address and sort out this issue.
I am wrong.
So I research more.
What I found was interesting and shocking.
This Mangalji family started with one hotel and now have an empire worth some $700 million.
They belong to a small sect of Shia muslims headed by HH Aga Khan.
When I lived in UK I had a few Indian friends who were of the same sect and who told me about how the Aga Khan supported his people with loans for businesses etc.
So I presume this Mangalji family used such a loan to get so large.
The more I researched the more I realized that maybe this family did not give a damn about Americans.
I believe they are over here extracting as much American wealth as possible and channeling it abroad through companies registered in tax havens.
One of the sons of the founder was found to have registered his $12 million home in LA
through tax haven British Virgin Islands
The British Virgin Islands. The British Virgin Islands (BVI) is an ideal place to establish an offshore bank account. The country does not impose any taxes on offshore accounts, and it has no tax treaties with other nations, thus protecting the financial privacy of bank account holders
In Texas I found members of the Mangalji family were directors/owners of hundreds of corporation, many registered as foreign entities.

I cannot spend more time researching all of this.
I have a paralyzed wife I need to take care of.
One thing I realize is this family has deliberately hired Americans to act as their attack dogs.
The man Hector Quesada who was so aggressive to us and told us to get out, said he was a regional manager over some 21 or so properties .
Yet when I check he owns a $200K home which is not what one would expect if he were that high up the hierarchy with so much responsibility..
I think this man has to be aggressive or he will lose his job.
The Mangalji family have not just picked any old American but an Hispanic man.
I think they are using the current climate of hatred toward Hispanics to push their disgraceful methods of treating Americans.
We all end up continually blaming Hispanics.
Yet they are just trying to keep a job.
I nearly fell for it.
I believe we will find any and all of the really important higher earning jobs within the Mangalji corporations are given to fellow muslims.
We Americans are being taken for dummies by so many foreigners.
When will we learn?
We fight each other for the small scraps left behind by the wealthy and privileged who have rigged the systems for their own benefit.
I could not get a refund from the credit card company after our stay at Hometowne Studios, even though my case was obvious and righteous.
I believe these wealthy people have rigged the system with a set of phoney questions designed to never allow a refund.
I am a life-long Democrat.
I back Trump.
I have long said China has been manipulating us and taking advantage by deliberately undervaluing its currency to ensure its products remained cheap.
America lost its manufacturing base very quickly when we made it easy to export all our jobs.
Then China took advantage of our greed by requiring companies to share trade secrets in order to do business over there.
We have sold our soul and our country to cheap prices and lax tax laws designed to favor the wealthy..
The continued cheap prices have made us blind to the depreciation in our own wages.
In short our wages have not kept up with inflation. In the 1970s a CEO earned just 30 times its average employee. Today it is over 300 times.
We, the American people have been taken for fools.
I started this website because my wife was cheated and kicked to the curb by 2 wealthy privileged British CEOs on her board.
The Consul General for UK, Karen Bell, condoned the actions.
She knew what should be done.
She even wrote an email telling the board to do something for Becci.
Becci had been instrumental in helping the UK trade and investment division over the last 15 yrs of loyal service to the British government and British American Business Council.
The Consul General knew the right course of action to take.
The board did nothing but leave Becci facing the loss of her home from all the bills related to the stroke.
The Consul General also ended up doing nothing.
She could not be bothered.
Becci was just another American.
They all just kicked her to the curb with not so much as a “thank you”
Americans need to wake up.
I can tell you from experience of being around Brits over here.
They will dump Americans in a heartbeat and give jobs to their European buddies.
I have heard them arrogantly talking disparagingly about American abilities.
They are a club.
So is the Mangalji family I would guess.
They use Americans to do their dirty work whilst taking the profits abroad to pay the least in taxes.
This is why there is no money to fix our infrastructure.
We are being bled dry by foreigners.
Lets not forget our own large corporations as well.
I am so angry my wife has been so abused by foreigners who have no loyalty to this country.
During Memorial weekend I am reminded of how much Becci’s family sacrificed during WW2. They lost quite a few family members.
These foreigners come over here and disrespect Americans knowing we are too weak to protest. They have never sacrificed anything for this great country.
Its time to take our country back for the benefit of those who have a history here.